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Email Confirmation


An email confirmation is sent immediately to the address you provided on the checkout page for your order's pickup information. If you don't see it in your Inbox, please be sure to check any Spam, Trash, Promotional, or Social folders associated with your email address. 

Please note: .edu email addresses will often be filtered directly to a Trash or Spam folder due to your school's filtering system.

Resending Your Confirmation Email

If you are unable to locate your email confirmation, please reach out to us using the 'Submit a Request' button on the top right-hand corner so that we may better assist you.

Barcode Confirmation Email

We're aware that we are currently experiencing some issues with e-tickets displaying in confirmation emails. Please rest assured that your order is confirmed and your information is with the respective Box Office.

Hotmail & Outlook Customers

There is a known issue for customers with hotmail & outlook email addresses not receiving confirmation emails. 

Please see Hotmail & Outlook for more details on how to troubleshoot.

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